
5230 survey

So I can continue to revise and improve this course, please take a few minutes to complete the following survey. I appreciate and take seriously the feedback you provide me.

1. Your Name:
2. Your Major:
3. E-mail address:

4. How do you expect to use Web design in your future academic and./or professional career?

5. Which assigned project was most valuable?

6. Why was this project valuable to you?

7. Which readings were valuable, worthwhile or memorable to you? (Select as many as you wish.)

Jakob Nielsen's Designing Web Usability
Willian Gibson in Trend "Johnny Mnemonic"
Michael Heim "The Erotic Ontology of Cyberspace"
Brenda Lauren, "Computer as Theatre"
Timothy Allen Jackson, "Towards a New Media Aesthetic"
George Landow, "Hypertext and Critical Theory"
Manuel Castels, "The Informational Economy"
Pierre Levy, "Collective Intelligence"
Herbert I. Schiller, "The Global Information Highway"
Mark Poster, "Cyberdemocracy and the Public Sphere"
Margaret Morse, "Virtually Female: Body and Code"
Sherry Turkle, "Who Am We?" 236
Howard Rheingold, "The Virtual Community"
Arthur Kroker and Michael Weinstein, "Theory of the Virtual Class"

8. What did you like best about COMP 5230?

9. What changes would you make to COMP 5230?