Instructions for the VTerrain OSX Binary Distribution After downloading the VTerrain_OSX.tgz file untar and unzip it: tar zxf VTerrain_OSX.tgz I have now gone to time-stamping the VTerrain_OSX folder so after you untar it, you will have a folder named something like vtpOSX_010506_111610/ Use that folder name in the path to the vtp distribution, as used in the environment variables below (or make an alias/link to point to the most recent distribution folder). You will need to execute the programs from the Terminal in this distribution. Once Terminal is started, export the following environment variables: export PROJ_LIB=/Shared/proj export GEOTIFF_CSV=/Shared/gdal export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/ExtDylibs export DYLD_BIND_AT_LAUNCH=1 To run VTBuilder, cd / ./VTBuilder To run wxEnviro, you must start X11, set the above environment variables and execute the following commands from the X11 xterm window: cd / ./Enviro