Raphael's School of Athens

Welcome to the Renaissance to Revolution, HMCL 1005. This course gives you a chance to discover the way in which the rediscovery of the values of Roman and Greek civilization that occured in Europe during the period 15th and 16th centuries lead to the rev olutions in thought and deed that created the European Enlightenment and the modern world. All of the course schedules and materials, and your course work are coordinated through this web site, so begin your exploration of the connections between our pa st and our present by exploring this web site. If you have questions about these pages send email them to Tom Bacig.

SPECIAL FACILITIES AND/OR ARRANGEMENTS: If you have a physical or cultural condition, either permanent or temporary, which you believe makes it difficult for you to participate in and/or complete the requirements of this course in the time and manner prescribed, please visit our departmental Arrangements summary page.

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This web page (http://www.d.umn.edu/cla/faculty/tbacig/hmcl1005/index.html) is maintained by Tom Bacig and was last updated Tuesday, 24-Jul-2012 10:57:41 CDT.

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