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Guided Reading: Laurel and Jackson

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1. In “Computers as Theater,” Brenda Laurel distinguishes what she calls an engineering view of software design from an artistic perspective. What is the difference between these two viewpoints, according to Laurel?

2. Laurel is very interested in the idea of the “representation [that] lives between imagination and reality.” Ultimately in the essay, why does Laurel think it’s important to have this “special relationship to reality.” How is designing the online experience about more than “building a better desktop”?

3. Near the beginning of “Towards a New Media Aesthetic,” Timothy Allen Jackson defines “aesthetics” as something more profound than the study of decoration. What is his definition and how does it explain the relevance of aesthetics designing Web sites?

4. Explain Jackson’s distinction between digital time and analog time, and what it has to do with the term picnolepsia.

5. According to Jackson, what does picnolepsia have to do with the aesthetics of the New Media? Ultimately, how do we distinguish healthy or positive experiences of picnolepsia from negative picnoleptic states?


All course materials by Craig Stroupe unless noted otherwise. See my home page.