"ReVision" | Global Transformation | Save the Original | Criteria

revision logoRevise one of your previous projects with a new vision of what you want to do.

By "ReVision," I don't mean a revision that fixes up a previous project with lots of local corrections and improvements. Instead, ReVision entails a global transformation in the idea or strategy you pursue in the project, which will require changes throughout. This might be a better, more complete vision of what the original assignment asked for, or it might be a further goal or intention for the project.

Global transformations for Web-based projects might include the following:

  • a better, fuller realization of the intentions of the original assignment (if you missed it the first time)
  • a different, more specific audience for the site
  • a new structure and navigation scheme for the site that better realizes your purpose and vision

Your commentary of the ReVision should therefore be specific about the new idea or vision and how it guided the various changes you made.

Save the Original
Be sure to save the original version of the project to compare to your ReVision. Post the ReVision project to the Web in a folder called "revision." When you send the URL of the ReVision to the Webx discussion, also include a link to the original in its folder on the Web.

If you revise a print project, please turn in a hardcopy of the revised document as well as the original copy with my comments and markings.


The ReVision Project will be graded on the degree, quality, and thoughtfulness of the changes you make to the project. Starting with an original that received a high grade is no advantage.

Given that you are setting your own goals of the ReVision, it is critical that you write a thoughtful and thorough commentary, explaining your strategy for realizing the unrealized potentials of the original.