Collaborative Quiz:
Levy and Haraway

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1. What is "anthropological space" in Levy's discussion? What distinguishes the four kinds of anthropological space he discusses in the essay?

2. What does Levy mean by a "knowledge space"? How does he mean this phrase to indicate something more than just the Web?

3..What does Levy mean by "subjectivity" near the top of page 255?

4. In the last paragraph on page 29, Haraway announces "three crucial boundary breakdowns that make the following...analysis possible." What are those three breakdowns

5. Also on 29, near the top, Haraway writes, "This essay is an argument for pleasure in the confusion of boundaris [see question #4] and for responsibility in their construction." Cite a passage (with page number) showing how "breakdowns" and "confusion" can be an opportunity for pleasure or responsibility.


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