A Problem in New Media Writing

Write an five-to-seven page essay (double spaced) on a problem in New Media Writing.

"New Media Writing," you'll remember, is kind(s) of writing done in digital environments, using both verbal and visual languages, in contrast to writing done for traditional, more stable print genres.

A "problem" is a difficulty experienced in writing, reading and/or conceptualizing writing in digital formats for online audiences. Such problems are often the result of a clash/integration of old and new practices of writing and reading.

As with any essay, you'll want to develop specific examples to illustrate this problem and what you have to say about it. The examples could be public works or your own projects in class.

Be sure to use quotations and ideas from our readings (Landow, Murray or other sources) to support your discussion, but you are not limited to their opinions or insights.

Use MLA format for citing and documenting these and other borrowed quotations and ideas.

You do not necessarily have to solve the problem. In fact, the best problems are probably, ultimately, not solvable, at least in our lifetimes. Instead, the quality of an essay like this often lies in the degree it opens up the problem, revealing the depths of its cultural and historical roots and its implications for the future.