Homework P&H Ch. 3

Answer the following questions about Patterson and Hennessy, Chapter 3. You only need to turn in those that have a point count assigned.

  1. (1 point) How do you implement a read port for the MIPS Registers component?
  2. (1 point) What is the high-level algorithm for adding floating point numbers?
  3. What is the high-level algorithm for multiplying floating point numbers?
  4. (1 point) What part of of the IEEE 754 floating point format determines range? What part determines precision?
  5. What are the range and precision of a IEEE 754 single precision number?
  6. (1 point) What are the range and precision of a IEEE 754 double precision number?
  7. (1 point) What is the basic idea for implementing pipelining?
  8. What is a control hazard?