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Lab Demonstration, Week 3


  1. log into bulldog

  2. cd to wherever you want to do CS 5631 work

  3. give UNIX commands
        cp ~gshute/public/cs5631/syncDemo.jar .
    The directory listing should show a file named syncDemo.jar.

  4. give UNIX commands
        jar xf syncDemo.jar
        ls -F
    The directory listing should show a directory named syncDemo.

  5. give UNIX commands
        cd syncDemo
    The directory listing should show several .java and .class files and a file named run. The run file is a shell script with UNIX commands to execute the Java program in the BoundedBufferMain class, redirect its output to a file named out, and digest the information in out producing new files named producers and consumers.

  6. give UNIX commands
    The directory listing should now show the files out, producers, and consumers.

  7. view the files, comparing them with your neighbors files

  8. discussion

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