CS 5741 - Programming Assignment 5

Due Tue Nov 3, 10 points


In this programming assignment you will develop a few web pages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Each of the web pages should have an empty <body> tag. All of the content should be generated using JavaScript.

The Exuberant Hello World Web Page

The exuberant hello world web page should be like the "Hello World" example in the JavaScript Examples webpage except that it repeats the message 6 times.

The Headers Web Page

The headers web page should appear the same as the "Headers" example in the HTML Examples web page. You should define a function with an integer parameter i that generates an <hi> tag with the appropriate content. Then you can generate the entire content with a simple for loop. For more fun, you can modify the colors of the various header tags.

The Table Web Page

The table web page should be a modification of the "Tables" example in the JavaScript Examples web page. You will only need to display one table, but it should be modified to include a header row and a header column. Each of these displays one of the numbers, 0 through 9, that are multiplied to produce the entries in the rest of the table. You should use <th> tags for the row and column header entries. Their borders should be thicker to set them off from the other entries. You are otherwise free to use CSS to style the tables to suit your taste.