Social Psychology

By: Melissa, Billy, Jeremy, Claire


Professor Guinta


Summary of project

In our interview of professor Steven Giunta, we accomplished many things. We first gave an overview of the different types of tasks a psychologist may come in contact with. He might have to write a paper, teach a class, or persuade his peers. These are just a small example of the numerous tasks a psychologist may have to perform. Next, we decided to analyze our actual interview with Giunta. Giunta is a very interesting man, perhaps most striking of his many traits was his lack of an ego. He seemed very genuine, and enthusiastic about working with students, instead of looking down on them. In his interview we learned of his past experience working with Delta Airlines, which lead to his realization that he wanted to help people, and not perform a boring, monotonous job. A vast spectrum of the reasons a psychologist needs to write was next on the agenda. They may have to write a report, a novel, or a syllabus as in the case of Giunta. This lead into our analysis of Giunta's writing sample. The sample was a plea to use a mediation process, rather than the current litigation process, in legal cases regarding neglectful parents. Giunta's contention in that the current litigation proceedings force the parents, children and court system in direct opposition to each other. Mediation offers a middle ground where all three sides work together, rather than against each other. Our report also included some basic facts about the field of psychology, average salary and data on room for advancement in the field were offered. We found this project to be very enlightening. Giunta provided us with the ability to get a small window into his world, and the world of a psychologist in America.