
As a freshman at the University of Minnesota Duluth,there are many things that I have already learned and experienced here, in my short time as a college student. Along with what I have learned, there are also many mistakes that I have already made, and would change if I could. One thing I would change, if I could, would be to have prepared myself better for my acedemic career, here at UMD.I came to UMD as an "undecided " student in the Liberal Arts College, which forced me to be in a "learning community". This learning community was set up where I picked a classes that were grouped together, based on their similarities to eachother.When I signed up for classes, I honestly didn't pay enough attention to what I was choosing, and just had no idea what I wanted to take or major in. Although I still don't know what I want to major in, I think that if I had done more research, especially while I was still in highschool, about classes available to me, and majors offfered at UMD, I would have been able to make wiser decisions about my courses for my first semester.However, although the learning community, wasn't my ideal class schedule, it did help me narrow down, what I am and am not interested in, which is really what it is set up to do.