Dormitory Alcohol Policy and the Dangers of Alcohol

By Andrew Carbonneau, Alisa Beske, Eric Mitchell

When living in the dormitories at UMD it is very important to be aware of the alcohol laws and regulations that the school board has in place. Drinking in the dormitories is very forbidden, and results in a rather hefty fine along with a very embarrassing conversation with you residential advisor. Even possession of alcohol paraphernalia is forbidden. The fines that are given, for students attending college, are very expensive. Not only do you have to pay an underage drinking ticket, but you also have to pay 75$ for an alcohol education class, the overall price of being caught can reach about 220$. With each offense the price of the ticket increases, and with enough offenses expulsion from the school can ensue. If you are caught in a dormitory room that others are drinking in, you are guilty by association, and are fined in the same manner as if you were caught drinking yourself. There are no acceptions to this rule so it is very important to make sure that you are careful around the residence halls when it comes to the consumption of alcohol. For the housing fines there is the alternative of doing 15 hours of community service for the college campus instead of paying the hefty fine, which is the favorable alternative for many college students.

The first year of college is a very new experience for almost everyone attending. It is the first time away from home without the constant supervision of your parents, and it is also the first time that your are in close contact with an age of adults who can buy alcohol. It is very easy to get alcohol in college if you are looking for it, its a very common thing. It is important t o be vary cautious when drinking for the first time in college, or even if you are drinking within the first month at school. Over drinking is a very large problem within college campuses around the country, and every year countless students end up in the hospital getting thier stomach pumped. A key few even end up dieing, such as the familiar cases that are found within militaristic fraternity houses.

Another important peice of information regarding alcohol and campus activities is that the campus police are seperate from the Duluth city police. So if you are off of campus consuming alcohol and you are caught by the police you will NOT be fined by the school, and you will not have to pay for the alcohol education class, you still will however need to have a meeting with your residential advisor. The fines for the city of Duluth are the same as they are within the campus, seeing how both policing forces work together.





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