Freshmen Hockey Fans

UMD Season Hockey Tickets

One of the most important parts of your first year experience here at UMD is getting involved in student activities. Sporting events are a great way to have fun and meet a lot of other UMD students. If you are a UMD hockey fan, season hockey tickets are a must have. The games are also a way for you to get involved and give you a chance to get off campus.

Getting Your Season Tickets

The first week or so of school the UMD athletic department sends out an email to students with information regarding season tickets. They will tell you when, where, and how much they cost. You can also click on Ticket info for more information. Tickets usually go on sale on a weekday morning, this means that many people will camp out over night to ensure that they get tickets in the morning. I would recommend getting in line about dinner-time the day before tickets go on sale. Going with a group is the best thing to do so you can wait in line in shifts. Camping out is a fun and eventful experiance and it is highly recommended. Here are some things we would probably like to bringing if you are camping out:

- chairs (collapsible, folding)
- blanket and pillow
- snacks and drinks
- homework
- laptop (there is wireless connection)

If you're really hardcore, you can bring
- TV
- video games
- inflatable mattresses
- couch
You can pretty much bring whatever you want, but keep in mind that you have to transport you're things back and forth.

The Games: Where and How to get there

The games are all played at the DECC arena in canal park. If you don't have a car on campus, don't worry, because there is a shuttle to and from the DECC that anyone can ride.



By Katie Hodapp and Michelle Wirtz