Jared Nelson, Paul Budd, Libby Keskitalo

Pros of spending your college life in Duluth:

Close Proximity to Canada: Duluth provides those with an adventurous spirit with the ability to visit Canada. In just a few short hours one can be enjoying his or herself in America's northerly neighbor. Canada provides a host of opportunities for visitors. A couple years shy to drink in the States? No problem in Canada, whose bars and liquor stores gladly serve customers ages nineteen and up. Those who enjoy hunting will benefit from Canada's wealth of wildlife and wilderness. Sportsmen have the opportunity to hunt various animals such as geese to grizzlies and everything in between.

Very Close to the Boundary Waters: The city of Duluth is also close to Boundary Waters which reside in the Lake Superior National Forest. The Boundary Waters are composed of an immense system of waterways which provide the ideal location for those who enjoy canoeing, hunting, and fishing. (picture of the Boundary Waters)

Cons of spending your college years in Duluth:

Although there are many pros about Duluth, there is still a negative side.

There are many pros to spending your college years in Duluth, but there are also quite a few cons. One of the major cons is the very long and rough winters. It can get almost depressing how cold, wet and icy it is in the winter, especially when the snow starts falling in November and it sometimes stays until April. Commuting can become a little difficult in the winter with all of the icy hills. If you are not a cold weather person then we would advise you to look around to other schools before considering University of Minnesota Duluth. Another drawback of Duluth is how far it is from any major cities, especially Minneapolis and St. Paul if you are from Minnesota. This can be a hassle riding back and forth on weekends, and especially complicated if you choose not to have a car during the school year. Another thing you might want to consider Duluth is generally an older community. Even though the colleges around here account for a lot of younger people, Duluth is still predominantly and older town, with older community members. This can often lead to problems between the younger community and the older community. One more thing that we thought was a draw back was the lack of chipotle and B-dubs. Both of these establishments are things that young adults consider a major part of their everyday nourishment. These were just a few of the cons we found with spending your college years in Duluth.