Helpful Hints for College



Lindsey Schroeder

When in college there are a few things that might help when it comes to
maintaining good grades and keeping good study habits.

One thing that is important about college is going to class. Just because
teachers don’t always take attendance doesn’t mean that you should just skip, a
lot of material is discussed in lecture that may not be in the text.

Also make sure that when studying you don’t try to study for an exam just the
night before the exam. Make sure to spread out the time which you study so you
don’t have so much to memorize in one night, that way you won’t be so stressed
and it will be easier to learn.

If there is something that you need help with when it comes to your classes you
should go to the tutoring center. They are they to help students with

Dorm Life
Lindsay Olsen
        Living in the dorms your freshman year, is key to really having the
college experience.  The people you meet and the activities you can partake in
will be your first step to college. Meeting people and getting along with
others can be a challenge for some, but a fun experience for many.  Here are
some helpful tips for a fun and manageable dorm life:
1.        Talk to your roommate ahead of time and get to know a little about
2.        Set up rules and regulations to accommodate and meet the needs of the
two of you.
3.        Allow time when both you and your roommate can have some time alone
within the room.
4.        Respect each other and your roommate’s items.
Living in the dorms and really experiencing first hand, is a nice way to
develop social skills, meet people, and a great way to start your college
life.  Here is a great way to know ahead of time what you are getting into
