Guilt by Association
                                It is common knowledge that UMD is a dry campus, which means that no alcohol is permitted on campus even if you are of legal age. What most students are not aware of is the guilt by association rule. This rule states that if you are in a room where there are people drinking or there is alcohol present you can get into trouble with the residence advisors and police even if you are sober. This also applies in situations with your roommate.  If your roommate gets caught with anything in your room, you will get a fine also. It doesn’t matter if you were out of the room or even off campus at the time the incident occurred, your roommates actions will get you into trouble.
                While I can see some of the logic behind this policy, I think its disadvantages outweigh the advantages. College kids know this rule may do dangerous things to avoid getting into trouble, including not getting their roommate medical attention so as not to get caught. This rule also makes the assumption that you always know what your roommate is up to. Many times you can be unaware that your roommate is even hiding anything in your room.  Also reporting your roommate for having alcohol can lead to a bad long term relationship with them. I think that this policy should be changed so that only the people acting irresponsibly should be punished because no one else should have to take responsibility for their actions. . This article talks about how there is less drinking on college campuses than people think.
