Starting into freshman year can be extremely hard for some students. For many, coming to Duluth is scary because it is a new environment and students do not necessarily know very many other people which can be intimidating. This is why we believe that joining a club and getting involved with school activities is very important. Studies show that students who join a club and keep an active social life are less likely to drop out. According to Al Franken, students who identify with the schools they are attending are more likely to succeed in their academic work. This means having school spirit, taking part in team sports, and joining clubs!

hChess Club, for example is an exciting way to get to know other people with the same interests as you (as long as you're interested in chess of course!) Of course, for those who aren't so interested in chess or the ordinary clubs that were in high school (Anime club anyone?) the University of Minnesota Duluth offers an eclectic variety of extracurricular activities to take part in. If that still is not enough for you then all you need to do is get a few friends together and start a new group! (LINK)


Maybe you are interested in athletics, but do not fit into the rigorous life of a full-time athlete and you are not quite one to simply join a club. Well the University of Minnesota Duluth offers alternative options to both. We are talking about intramural sports!!! Going to the gym might be good to keep you in shape, but running on the treadmill is not a social activity- intramural sports offer students opportunities to meet new people and stay active at the same time. With options ranging from soft ball to water polo all students are sure to find something that interests them. (LINK)