What should the drinking age be?


18 year olds should be able to drink in bars

The drinking age should be lower to 18 with numerous modifications. 18-20 year olds should be able drink in bars and other social situations with emphasis on lowering binge drinking. 18-20 year olds should not be able to purchase alcohol of any type from liquor stores and should not be allowed to leave bars with alcoholic beverages. This would ensure responsible drinking since the young adults would be monitored by bartenders and the social scene of mature adults. Also since there would be absolutely no purchasing of alcohol from stores, no one under the age of 18 would be able to get their hands on alcohol from 18-20 year olds. These regulations would increase resposible drinking and finally make the rules fair. When your 18 years old you are a legal adult. The U.S. is one of the few countries where you cannot consume alcohal when you are considered an adult and can preform so many other important tasks.

The drinking age should be at 18 with no limitations

If you are 18 in you are allowed to join the army, you are considered to be a legal adult. Having the drinking at 18 is more like a European style life, where once you are 18 you can drink freely without any punishment. 18 year olds are able to handle this because as legal adults we are capable of handle the effects that the alcohol can have on us and we are able to drink responsibly without having to cover it from our parents. Drinking happens anyway at the age of 18 so why not make it legal. 18 year old high school students would be able to drink whenever instead of on rare occasions where they will tend to overdo the drinking process. College students are among the biggest drinkers so this would be beneficial to the students not to have to ran away from the police. This would also help the economy because 18 year olds would have money to spend on alcohol this truly helps the economy.

The drinking age should remain at age 21

The drinking age is set at 21 for a few reasons. One of those reasons is the fact that the human brain isn't fully developed yet. The human brain actually does not fully devolop until later on in early adulthood. If someone starts drinking at an early age, say 17 or 18, they are impeding on the growth and maturation of their brain. The area of the brain that is affected is the decision making/ critical thinking area of the brain. Once damaged, the brain will never recover, it is damaged for life. If the drinking age was 18, aquiring alcohol would be much easier for underage teens. These teens could then devolop drinking problems, which would make sure that their brains were not allowed to fully devolop, which would then make their lives that much harder as they would not be able to learn as well as others.