Presentation Project
Tropes in The Scarlet Letter and The Waste Land

Sign up for a time to present 5-minute oral presentation
Presentation week is the last week of class Individually or as part of a group


To identify an important trope in either Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter or T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land and explain where it occurs and how it works.


  1. Choose one identifiable trope that is in your chosen work.

  2. Take notes on where the trope occurs, how it occurs, how it changes over the course of the work (if it does). Identify the trope in terms of what it is and what it represents. Feel free to use secondary sources. You may build this presentation out of ideas that you discussed in your paper. Students may use visual aids if they wish.

  3. Sign up for a presentation slot some time before Monday, December 5th, 2011.

Grading Standards

Presentations will receive A-F grades based on the following criteria:

Adherence to topic guidelines.

Clarity of the argument about the trope's meaning.

Effective use of examples from the text.

Creativity in interpreting lines from the poem.