Presentation Project
Critical Perspectives on Keats and Faulkner

Due Dates: Requirements:
Sign up for a time to present
Presentations are on December 6, 11, 13
  • 5-minute oral presentation
  • Individually or as part of a group


To identify an important critical insight regarding Keats's poetry or Faulkner's As I Lay Dying and explain how readers might apply that insight to their understanding of the text.


  1. Choose one specific interpretation of an element in the works of the assigned authors that you have encountered in an assigned critical work.

  2. Take notes on this critic's interpretation and consider its consequences for your overall understanding of the text. Refer to specific details in both the critical work and the primary text. Consider also the extent to which you find this interpretation persuasive and which alternative interpretations might exist. You may build this presentation out of ideas that you discussed in your paper. You may use visual aids if you wish.

  3. Sign up for a presentation slot some time before Tuesday, December 4th, 2012.

Grading Standards

Presentations will receive A-F grades based on the following criteria:

Adherence to topic guidelines.

Clarity of the argument about the critic's interpretation.

Effective use of examples from the text.

Creativity in interpreting the critic's meaning and it applicability to the literary text.