
The following schedule is subject to change according to the demands of the class. I will announce changes to it in class when the need presents itself.

W September 4 Introduction
Part One: Approaches to Literary Criticism
M September 9 Steven Lynn, Texts and Contexts, Chapters 1-3
W September 11 Lynn, Chapter 4: Reader Response Criticism
Lynn, Chapter 5: Structuralism and Deconstruction
Quiz on Lynn, Chs. 1-5
M September 16 Lynn, Chapter 6: Connecting the Text—Historical Criticism
Lynn, Chapter 7: Minding the Work—Psychological Criticism
W September 18 Lynn, Chapter 8: Gendering the Text—Feminist Criticism, Postfeminism, and Queer Theory
M September 23 Quiz on Lynn, Chs. 6-8
Part Two: The Poetry of John Keats
W September 25 John Keats, II. "To * * * * * *" (50), III. "Written on the Day that Mr. Leigh Hunt Left Prison" (50), VII. [O Solitude! If I Must with Thee Dwell] (52), XVII. [Happy Is England! I Could Be Content] (58), "To Haydon with a Sonnet on Seeing the Elgin Marbles" (72-73), "Lines on Seeing a Lock of Milton's Hair" (113-114)
M September 30 John Keats, "Ode on Indolence" (334-336), "La Belle Dame Sans Merci" (340-341), "Ode to a Nightingale" (457-460), "Ode to Psyche" (463-465), "Ode on Melancholy" (473-474)
W October 2 Paul de Man, "The Negative Path" (537-546)
Marjorie Levenson, "Keats's Life of Allegory: The Origins of a Style" (547-555)
Quiz on Keats, de Man, Levenson
M October 7 John Keats, "The Eve of St. Mark" (307-311), "Letter to George and Tom Keats, December 21, 27?, 1817" (107-109), "Letter to Fanny Brawne, July 8, 1819" (350-351)
Grant F. Scott, "Keats in His Letters" (555-563)
Margaret Homans, "Keats Reading Women, Women Reading Keats" (563-572)
W October 9 John Keats, "[Dear Reynolds, As Last Night I Lay in Bed]"
Nicholas Roe, "Lisping Sedition: Poems, Endymion, and the Poetics of Dissent" (573-583)
Stuart Sperry, "The Epistle to John Hamilton Reynolds" (583-592)
M October 14 John Keats, "The Eve of St. Agnes" (445-456)
Jack Stillinger, "The Hoodwinking of Madeline: Skepticism in The Eve of St. Agnes" (604-614)
W October 16 John Keats, "Ode on a Grecian Urn" (461-462)
Jeffrey N. Cox, "Cockney Classicism: History with Footnotes" (614-525)
Part Three: The Sound and the Fury
W October 23 William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury, April Seventh, 1928
M October 28 Faulkner, June Second, 1910 (48-79)
W October 30 Faulkner, June Second, 1910 (79-113)
Quiz on Faulkner up through p. 113
M November 4 Falkner, April Sixth, 1928
W November 6 Faulkner, April Eighth, 1928
M November 11 Faulkner, Introduction (Two Versions) (225-232)
Interviews, (232-237)
C. Van Woodward, "The Irony of Southern History" (241-243)
Robert Penn Warren, "Faulkner: Past and Future" (243-246)
W November 13 Richard H. King, "A Southern Renaissance" (246-255)
Carolyn Porter, "Faulkner's America" (255-261)
Jean-Paul Sartre, "On The Sound and the Fury: Time in the Work of Faulkner" (265-271)
Quiz on Faulkner, Woodward, Warren, King, Porter, Sartre
M November 18 Irving Howe, "Faulkner and the Negroes" (272-275)
Ralph Ellison, "Twentieth-Century Fiction and the Black Mask of Humanity" (275-278)
Olga Vickery, "The Sound and the Fury: A Study in Perspective" (278-289)
W November 20 Cleanth Brooks, "Man, Time, and Eternity" (289-297)
M November 25 Michael Millgate, "The Sound and the Fury: [Story and Novel]" (297-310)
John T. Irwin, "[Doubling and Incest in The Sound and the Fury]" (310-316)
Myra Jehlen, "[Faulkner's Fiction and Southern Society]" (317-324)
W November 27 Donald Kartiganer, "[The Meaning of Form in] The Sound and the Fury" (324-343)
David Minter, "Faulkner, Childhood, and the Making of The Sound and the Fury" (343-358)
Quiz on Howe, Ellison, Vickery, Brooks, Millgate, Jehlen, Minter
M December 2 Warwick Wadlington, "The Sound and the Fury: A Logic of Tragedy" (358-370)
John T. Mathews, "The Discover of Loss in The Sound and the Fury (370-397)
W December 4 Wesley Morris with Barbara Alverson, "A Writing Lesson: The Recovery of Antigone" (397-404)
Minrose C. Gwin, "Hearing Caddy's Voice"(405-412)
M December 9 André Bleikasten, "The Quest for Eurydice" (412-430)
Philip M. Weinstein, "'If I Could Say Mother': Construing the Unsayable about Faulknerian Maternity" (430-442)
W December 11 Presentation Day
W December 18 FINAL EXAM, 10-11:55am