Please spend 35 minutes reviewing your classmate's paper according to the following guidelines. If you finish early, do not stop editing. Take the extra time to go back over your comments and make sure they are clear. Once you have finished, discuss peer-review comments with your classmate. Write all peer-review feedback on your classmate's draft.

Open your own draft and save the "Peer-Review Template" below (portions between bracket labels) to the paper's end.

Save your own draft to GoogleDocs with a filename like this: yourlastnamepaper3wd

(This stands for "Paper 3—Working Draft." If I do this, my filename is "schwetmanpaper3wd".)

Keep a copy on your own computer and share a copy of it with your two peer-reviewers on GoogleDocs. Be sure to enable editing by your peer-reviewers when sharing.

When reviewing a classmate's draft, please do the following:


In the GoogleDocs margin comments:

  1. Argument. Highlight the sentence in the paper that looks the most like its thesis statement. In the corresponding comment box, write "Thesis". Offer a revision to it if you wish.

  2. Organization. Highlight the topic sentence of the next paragraph. Write "Topic One" in the corresponding comment box and offer revised wording if you can. Does this sentence advance an arguable claim? Which problem does it address? What will change if readers agree with this statement?

  3. Evidence. Highlight a quotation or paraphrase in the second paragraph. Write a brief statement in the comment box about whether you think it productively contributes to your classmate's argument and whether your classmate has explained it appropriately.

Go to FIRST REVIEW items in the template pasted to the end of the paper and respond there.


  1. Argument. Highlight any sentence in the paper that presents a "naysayer" argument. Write in the corresponding comment box a sentence explaining whether or your classmate his clearly presented the naysayer argument and clearly refuted it.

  2. Organization. Highlight topic sentences in paragraphs not yet addressed by the first reviewer and label them "Topic Two," "Topic Three," etc. as appropriate. Suggest here revised wording to topic sentences, if you have suggestions.

  3. Evidence. Highlight two additional quotations or paraphrases not yet addressed by the first reviewer and write brief statements in the comment boxes about whether you think they productively contribute to your classmate's argument and whether your classmate his explained them appropriately.

Proceed to SECOND REVIEW questions on the template at the end of the paper and respond there.

[begin template here]

Peer Review Feedback Template



  1. Which existing problem does this paper address?


  2. What will change if readers agree with this paper's thesis statement?


  3. What is the difference between the topics of Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3 of this paper?




  1. What would be a possible counterargument to this paper's thesis statement?


  2. What is the most interesting claim in the paper's concluding paragraph?


  3. Write three questions that you have about this topic after reading this paper:






[end template here]