Discussion Questions for To the Lighthouse, pp. 40-65

  1. What is the source of Augustus Carmichael's misery? (40-41)

  2. What is the difference between "the great men" and "the slave class"? How does each group contribute to "the progress of civilization"? (42-43)

  3. What do we know about Lily Briscoe's painting from this section? What are its content and style?

  4. Why do Mrs. Ramsay's thoughts keep returning to Minta Doyle? (54-55)

  5. What causes Mrs. Ramsay's feeling of anxiety? (61)

  6. How does Mrs. Ramsay accommodate Mr. Ramsay's needs at the end of the section? (65)

John D. Schwetman
January 26, 2001