
Opinion Piece—Due February 11, 2000
Sample Opinion Pieces
Peer Editing Guidelines

In-Class Debates

Resolved: The University of Minnesota, Duluth should build more parking spaces. Resolved: The government should allocate more resources to the rehabilitation of juvenile offenders.
PRO:Carrie, Jamie, Mark M., Todd, Shelly PRO:Michelle, Sarah, Tom, Richard, Sarah, Gina
CON:John, Josh, Rebecca V., Eric CON:Melissa, Amber, Andrew, Matt, Rebecca D.
PRO received 2 votes/CON received 7 votes PRO received 3 votes/CON received 2 votes

Interview and Report—Due March 22, 2000

Student Web Projects
Peer Editing Guidelines

Interview Assignment Groups

Rebecca V., Erin, John, Jon
Addiction Specialist:
Michelle, Gina, Sarah, Richard, Amber
Police—School Liaison Officer:
Andrew, Matt, Mark, Tom
Juvenile Treatment Case Manager:
Melissa, Todd, Carrie
Public Relations:
Jeff, Josh, Jamie, Shelly

Letter of Application and Resumé—Due April 12, 2000

Comparative Analysis—Due May 5, 2000

Final Exam—On Wednesday, May 10,2000, 10-11:55am

John D. Schwetman, Composition 3160, Spring 2000