Project Bibliography


Gran, K. B., Tal, M., *Wartman, E. D., 2015. Co-evolution of riparian vegetation and channel dynamics in an aggrading braided river system, Mount Pinatubo, Philippines. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.  DOI: 10.1002/esp.3699.


Gran, K.B., 2012, Strong seasonality in sand loading and resulting feedbacks on sediment transport, bed texture, and channel planform at Mount Pinatubo, Philippines. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, v. 37, n. 9, pp. 1012-1022, doi: 10.1002/esp.3241.


Gran, K.B., Montgomery, D.R., *Halbur, J.C., 2011, Long term post-eruption elevated sediment yields at Mount Pinatubo, Philippines. Geology, v. 39, n. 4, pp. 367-370.


Gran, KB, Montgomery, DR, and Sutherland, DG, 2006, Channel bed evolution and sediment transport under declining sand inputs. Water Resources Research, v. 42, W10407.


Gran, KB, 2005, Fluvial recovery following basin-wide sediment loading at Mount Pinatubo, Philippines.  Ph.D. Thesis, University of Washington, 203 p.


Gran, KB, and Montgomery, DR, 2005, Spatial and temporal patterns in fluvial recovery following volcanic eruptions:  Channel response to basin-wide sediment loading at Mount Pinatubo, Philippines. GSA Bulletin, v. 117, n. 1/2, pp. 195-211.


Hayes, SK, Montgomery, DR, and Newhall, CG, 2002, Extreme low-flow sediment transport at Mount Pinatubo, Philippines. Geomorphology, v. 45, pp.211-245.


Hayes, SK, 1999, Low-flow sediment transport on the Pasig-Portrero alluvial fan, Mount Pinatubo, Philippines. M.S.Thesis, University of Washington, Seattle, 73 p.


Montgomery, DR, Panfil, MS, and Hayes, SK, 1999, Channel-bed mobility response to extreme sediment loading at    Mount Pinatubo.    Geology, v. 27, pp. 271-274.

Select Talks/Abstracts

Day, S.S., and Gran, K.B., 2012, Using TLS to measure braided river bar movement in the Pasig-Potrero River on Mt. Pinatubo, Abstract submitted to the AGU.  To be presented in Dec. 2012.


Gran, K.B., 2010, Two decades of channel evolution following the eruption of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines.  EOS, Transactions of the AGU, Fall 2010. 


Gran, K.B., *Dunn, E., Tal, M., 2009, Incipient vegetation recovery in the braidplain nearly two decades after the eruption of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, EP23C-0648.


Gran, KB, Montgomery, DR, Daag, A, 2006, Basin-scale erosion at Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, and implications for long-term sediment yield following volcanic eruptions. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Fall Meeting, Paper No. 71-10.


Gran, KB, Montgomery, DR, Sutherland, D, and Lisle, T, 2004, Experiments in eruption recovery: Channel bed and sediment transport adjustments as sand inputs decline. EOS Trans. of the AGU, v. 85, n.47, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H34A-0360.


Gran, KB, Montgomery, DR, 2002, Watershed and channel recovery on the east flank of Mount Pinatubo. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 34, No. 6.

For general information on the 1991 eruption at Mount Pinatubo, check out Fire & Mud :

Newhall, CG, and Punongbayan, RS, eds., 1996, Fire and Mud: Eruptions and Lahars or Mount Pinatubo, Philippines.  Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Quezon City, and University of Washington, Seattle and London, 1126 p.


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