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TH 1001
Introduction to Theatre Arts

Section 2

On-line Discussions Using
Web Crossing

Each student in the class is expected to read chapters in the text, Theatre: The Lively Art by Edwin Wilson and Alvin Goldfarb. After the chapter has been read, students are required to respond to the members of their discussion group concerning the reading material in an online discussion forum called Web Crossing.

Web Crossing discussions should not be confused with mere chat rooms. This forum is intended for reflective commentary in response to the reading materials and other relevant research posted by the group. Postings are to be made only after having read the assigned readings. Up to 5 points are possible for each of fourteen weeks of discussion for a total of 70 points for the semester. Students will be rewarded with points based upon the quality of their postings.

1 point = positngs that make your presence known by responding to the postings of others.

3 points = postings that make insightful comments to the postings of others.

5 points = postings that indicate complete understnading of the required reading materials.

Point accumulations will be posted at:

Go to the course daily schedule to find out the discussion topic for specific weeks of the course.

To log-on to Web Crossing go to:

If you are having trouble with your UMD internet account, go to the Information Technology Systems & Services UMD Email/Internet Account web site.

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