Body Segment Parameters:

The following tables are excerpted from Plagenhoef et al., 1983. They describe body segment mass as a proportion of total body mass and the location of each segment's center of mass as a proportion of segment length.

Segment Mass Percents:
Segment Males Females
Head & Neck 8.96 8.20
Trunk 46.84 45.00
Upper Arm 3.25 2.90
Forearm 1.87 1.57
Hand 0.65 0.50
Thigh 10.50 11.75
Shank 4.75 5.35
Foot 1.43 1.33
Segment Length Percents (from proximal):
Segment Males Females
Head & Neck 55.0 55.0
Trunk* 50.0* 50.0*
Upper Arm 43.6 45.8
Forearm 43.0 43.4
Hand 46.8 46.8
Thigh 43.3 42.8
Shank 43.4 41.9
Foot 50.0 50.0
* Estimates for trunk are from Winter (1990) and are calculated from Dempster data (1955) but adapted for the torso alone (without including head & neck). Segment endpoints are from mid-shoulders to mid-hips.