Name: __________________________

Homework #11

Due: April 21, 2003


Chapter 10: E-Commerce


Fill-in-the-blanks (˝ point each)


1. __________________ is a financial business transaction that occurs over an electronic network.



2. Two popular types of e-commerce are ______________ and ____________________.



3. In 2001, $______________ billion was spent on worldwide e-commerce.



4. Electronic Software Distribution is a form of e-commerce, which entitles you to


___________________ the product.



5. The _______________ is a software component on the Web that allows the customer to collect purchases.  Items can be added, deleted, or even saved for a future visit.



6. ____________________ allows you to transfer money electronically from your account to a payee’s account.



7. A merchant account establishes a relationship between the e-retailer and a ____________________.



8. Secure server sites have URLs that begin with _________________ instead of http:// .



9. E-bay is a popular _______________________ web site.


Short Answer (1 point each)


10. Describe the difference between a bricks-and-mortar business and a clicks-and-mortar business.









11. Why is a secure server necessary when making online transactions?









12. What 3 steps must be completed to accept an online credit card transaction?








13. Describe two methods used to advertise and promote a Web site.








14. List 5 advantages of conducting e-commerce.