These are a sample of questions that might appear on Exam 1.

Define the following terms:

  (3) backtracking
  (2) base case (for recursion)
  (2) recursive case
  (5) big O
  (2) best case analysis
  (2) average case analysis
  (2) worst case analysis

Give code for:

  (10) Sequential search of an array

  (10) Sequential search of a sorted array

  (10) Binary search of a sorted array

  (10) Selection sort

  (10) Insertion sort

  (15) Merge of two adjacent segments of an array

  (10) Mergesort given a predefined merge routine

(10) Write a function that takes an array of characters S of length N and
     returns 1 if that array contains a palindrome and 0 otherwise.  A palindrome
     is a sequence of characters that is the same written backwards.

(10) Write a recursive solution to the previous problem.

(10) Write a recursive function that sums up the squares of all the numbers
     from 1 to N (i.e., SumSqrs(N) returns 1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 + ... + N^2).

(15) Given a 2D character array A:
    0 1 2 3
  0 e e X X
  1 X e e e
  2 X e X X
  3 e e e X

  and the function Visit:

  void Visit(char A[][4], int r, int c) {
    if (A[r][c] == 'e') {
      A[r][c] = '.';
      printf("<%d,%d> ",r,c);
      if (r > 0) Visit(A,r-1,c); /* 1 */
      if (c > 0) Visit(A,r,c-1); /* 2 */
      if (r < 3) Visit(A,r+1,c); /* 3 */
      if (c < 3) Visit(A,r,c+1); /* 4 */

  the program will print:

  <0,0> <0,1> <1,1> <2,1> <3,1> <3,0> <3,2> <1,2> <1,3>

  if we call Visit(A,0,0)

  how could you reorder the statements labeled /* 1 */ to /* 4 */ to

  <1,1> <1,2> <1,3> <2,1> <3,1> <3,0> <3,2> <0,1> <0,0>

  if we call Visit(A,1,1)?

  How about:

  <1,1> <2,1> <3,1> <3,2> <3,0> <0,1> <0,0> <1,2> <1,3>

(2 each) Give the Big-O notation (the growth-rate function) for each of the
     following formulas:

     N  + 3N + 4NlogN + 5/N

             2     3    N
     5N + 25N  + 3N  + 4

       2         2
     3N logN + 5N  + NlogN + 2N

(15) Give a situation where each of the sorts discussed in class (insertion,
     selection, and merge) is optimal.  You should include a discussion of the
     performance characteristics of the sorting algorithm that backs up your