The final exam will be cumulative.

For sample questions for the material covered for Midterm 1 you should look at this page. For sample questions for the material covered for Midterm 2 you should look at this page.

Sample questions concerning material covered since Midterm 2:

  1. BRIEFLY define the following terms and give an example of how each term is used:
  2. How do the Q and V values for a state and actions relate? Show the Q and V values for a sample learning problem.
  3. Give the Q learning algorithm for the deterministic case. Make sure to include a precise definition of the Q update rule.
  4. Given a joint probability distribution:
  5. Given the burglary, earthquake, alarm, johncalls, marycalls network from the textbook, notes and class calculate:
  6. Describe how inference by enumeration is done using a Bayes network. How does variable elimination work? What should be done with irrelevant variables?
  7. Give two ways of recognizing irrelevant variables. How does this help in inference by enumeration?
  8. How does inference by stochastic simulation work? Give the algorithm for: