ID is the last four digits of your student ID.

Grade	ID	TOT	XCTOT	TOT%	XCTOT%	HW1	HW2	HW3	HW4	HW5	P1	P2	P3	P4	P5	MidTerm	Final	Talk	Summary	XC
A	1457	907.0	912.0	90.7%	91.2%	20.0	19.5	17.5	15.0	14.0	20.0	33.0	40.0	30.0	25.0	265.0	278.0	88.0	42.0	5.0
A-	9442	894.5	894.5	89.5%	89.5%	19.0	19.0	20.0	19.0	19.5	19.0	31.0	40.0	29.0	25.0	258.0	274.0	84.0	38.0	0.0
B+	4815	868.0	868.0	86.8%	86.8%	14.0	19.5	17.5	15.0	12.0	18.0	33.0	40.0	30.0	25.0	235.0	276.0	92.0	41.0	0.0
B-	6695	809.0	809.0	80.9%	80.9%	20.0	18.5	19.5	17.0	16.0	18.0	13.0	25.0	24.0	22.0	231.0	259.0	82.0	44.0	0.0
B-	6502	800.0	800.0	80.0%	80.0%	14.0	16.0	20.0	20.0	13.0	18.0	30.0	40.0	28.0	21.0	232.0	229.0	78.0	41.0	0.0
C	2540	748.5	748.5	74.9%	74.9%	15.5	20.0	12.0	16.0	13.0	16.0	15.0	16.0	20.0	c	218.0	279.0	68.0	40.0	0.0
F	7924	590.0	590.0	59.0%	59.0%	16.0	9.0	12.0	13.0	18.0	9.0	c	c	c	19.0	262.0	207.0	25.0	*	0.0
Avg		823.9	824.6			16.9	17.4	16.9	16.4	15.1	16.9	25.8	33.5	26.8	22.8	243.0	257.4	73.9	41.0	0.7
Min		625.0	625.0			14.0	9.0	12.0	13.0	12.0	9.0	13.0	16.0	20.0	19.0	218.0	207.0	25.0	38.0	0.0
Max		927.5	932.5			20.0	20.0	20.0	20.0	19.5	20.0	33.0	40.0	30.0	25.0	265.0	279.0	92.0	44.0	5.0
Poss		1000.0				20.0	20.0	20.0	20.0	20.0	20.0	35.0	40.0	30.0	25.0	300.0	300.0	100.0	50.0	5.0

c - indicates assignment complete satisfactorily late (but no points apply)
* - indicates Minimum Effort Requirement would be applied.