Week 17

Player             Points (out of 136)
tararichte         121
paul               116
seanse             114
ajpetrosino        113
bruce.irvin        113
jdavis             113
maclinte2          113
nick-street        113
WIstvanick         113
rmaclin            111
jeff               108
matty              108
allenj1            91
jluttine           90
rjolsonjr          90
prophet            88
jim_pruyne         83
faber              79
olson.brad         72
lewandow           68
otero              67

Which gives us final totals of  ...


Player             Points (out of 2284)
seanse             1724
ajpetrosino        1705
matty              1693
tararichte         1688
rmaclin            1681
jdavis             1672
allenj1            1660
nick-street        1653
paul               1651
bruce.irvin        1650
prophet            1648
maclinte2          1643
olson.brad         1635
lewandow           1616
jluttine           1612
rjolsonjr          1609
WIstvanick         1602
jim_pruyne         1598
faber              1595
jeff               1566
otero              1559

Congratulations to Sean "the Ohio State of Rich's football pool" Selitrenikoff for a dominating season, building a big lead and then holding on to it for his first win in the pool.

Now on to the rest of our awards show:

Tony "So Close" Petrosino, who finished second in points but easily picked the most games correctly, so he wins our first honorable mention.  The overall results for everyone were somewhat better than last year, but Tony and Sean put up great numbers.

Player             #Games Correct (out of 256)
ajpetrosino        186
seanse             181
jdavis             178
allenj1            177
rmaclin            177
tararichte         176
lewandow           174
matty              174
jluttine           173
paul               173
prophet            173
nick-street        172
bruce.irvin        171
faber              171
maclinte2          171
rjolsonjr          171
otero              170
jim_pruyne         168
jeff               167
WIstvanick         166
olson.brad         162

A second honorable mention goes to Ted "Vivo ex Machina" Faber for his stellar week 1, getting the highest score.  The best and worst weeks were dominated by certain weeks, but Ted pulled off his high score outside of those weeks.

Player             Points (week)
faber              131 (1)
ajpetrosino        128 (12)
jdavis             125 (12)
jim_pruyne         125 (4)
jluttine           125 (12)
bruce.irvin        63 (6)
jim_pruyne         63 (2)
nick-street        63 (2)
ajpetrosino        62 (2)
lewandow           59 (2)
prophet            59 (2)

Our third and fourth honorable mentions go to Jonah "Not George" Allen and Subrata "Prophetable" Sircar for being the most consistent and least consistent at their picks based on the standard deviation of each person's picks.

Player                 Standard Deviation
allenj1                 12.18
otero                   13.51
jluttine                13.69
faber                   13.78
maclinte2               14.54
paul                    15.35
seanse                  15.41
matty                   15.45
olson.brad              15.63
rjolsonjr               15.66
nick-street             15.72
tararichte              15.76
jdavis                  15.86
jim_pruyne              15.98
WIstvanick              16.26
ajpetrosino             16.59
rmaclin                 16.65
jeff                    17.34
bruce.irvin             17.46
lewandow                17.46
prophet                 17.55

Our fifth and sixth honorable mention goes to Tom "Brother, Can You Spare a Mime" Maclin and Ron "Not a Twin" Olson as the most average and least average pickers (measured by measuring the standard deviation of the other pickers based on using each person in turn as the "mean").  They both won these same awards last year, so I am seeing a trend.

Player      Standard Deviation
maclinte2       10.95
matty           11.00
seanse          11.70
allenj1         11.71
tararichte      11.75
nick-street     12.02
jdavis          12.14
bruce.irvin     12.22
ajpetrosino     12.31
rmaclin         12.36
paul            12.46
jluttine        13.04
WIstvanick      13.28
prophet         13.61
jeff            13.93
jim_pruyne      14.17
olson.brad      14.24
faber           15.38
otero           15.56
lewandow        15.90
rjolsonjr       18.52

Our seventh honorable mention goes to Brad "Don't Call Me Lute" Olson for being the most effective at weighting his picks (measured as the marginal gain in points compared to simply randomly weighting picks).  

Player                    Marginal Gain (pts per pick)
olson.brad                1.171
matty                     0.808
WIstvanick                0.729
bruce.irvin               0.727
nick-street               0.689
maclinte2                 0.686
tararichte                0.669
paul                      0.621
prophet                   0.604
seanse                    0.603
jim_pruyne                0.590
rmaclin                   0.575
rjolsonjr                 0.487
jdavis                    0.471
allenj1                   0.457
jeff                      0.455
faber                     0.406
jluttine                  0.396
lewandow                  0.365
otero                     0.249
ajpetrosino               0.245

Our last honorable mention awards go to Ron "Rich, I Want a Molson" Olson (ok, that was pretty lame but I ran out of ideas) for the biggest gain over last year's score (these totals are measured only for those who participated in every week last year and every week this year).  Most people improved this year, in part because last year was a bit of a tough year.

Player             2009 2008   Gain/Loss
rjolsonjr          1609 1372   237
ajpetrosino        1705 1558   147
lewandow           1616 1469   147
prophet            1648 1516   132
allenj1            1660 1530   130
tararichte         1688 1583   105
matty              1693 1604   89
paul               1651 1570   81
jluttine           1612 1532   80
rmaclin            1681 1605   76
maclinte2          1643 1570   73
nick-street        1653 1582   71
jdavis             1672 1607   65
olson.brad         1635 1576   59
bruce.irvin        1650 1602   48
faber              1595 1547   48
otero              1559 1523   36
jeff               1566 1551   15
jim_pruyne         1598 1607   -9

Congratulations again to our big winner Sean Selitrenikoff as well as our honorable mention winners (Tony Petrosino, Ted Faber, Jonah Allen, Subrata Sircar, Tom Maclin, Ron Olson, Brad Olson and Ron again).  I would also like to give a special recognition to my beautiful wife Tara, who rode the top score in the last week to beat me by 7 points, thus becoming the Queen of our house.  Congratulations Tara.

You can all collect your rewards next time you see me.  ;-) Look for the return of the pool later in August next year.

Happy New Year!
