Hi all,

Well, here are the final results.  Hope everyone has had a good New Year.

I am a bit sad about the Badgers but they played fairly well and it could have been worse I suppose (like what happened to Michigan State).  Plus the Packers won, so there is something to be happy about.

Happy New Year!


On to the results:

Week 17

Player             Points
otero              116
olson.brad         115
bpodemski          114
ajpetrosino        110
jdavis             110
paul               110
allenj1            108
matty              107
rmaclin            107
tararichte         107
seanse             106
jim_pruyne         104
bruce.irvin        103
faber              103
rjolsonjr          101
jeff.horvath       99
prophet            99
ed.rybak           98
jluttine           96
wlistvan           94
lewandow           90

Which gives us final totals of  ...


Player             Points
bpodemski          1583
tararichte         1575
paul               1572
rmaclin            1572
jdavis             1566
ajpetrosino        1554
jeff.horvath       1548
olson.brad         1525
otero              1518
faber              1516
jim_pruyne         1512
ed.rybak           1508
wlistvan           1506
allenj1            1503
matty              1490
jluttine           1482
prophet            1471
bruce.irvin        1462
seanse             1460
lewandow           1450
rjolsonjr          1344

Congratulations to Brenda "Starr" Podemski who joined the pool and in her first year won it all.  Ted, thanks for bringing us a ringer.  Brenda secured her victory with a smart pick of Oakland to win this last week, which locked up the championship for her.

Now on to the rest of our awards show:

Brenda also won in picking the most games correctly, so she also wins our first honorable mention.  The overall results for everyone were worse than last year across the board, though Brenda put up a very impressive number of games picked correctly.

Player             #Games Correct (out of 256)
bpodemski          173
paul               169
olson.brad         166
rmaclin            166
ajpetrosino        165
faber              165
otero              162
tararichte         162
jdavis             161
jim_pruyne         160
wlistvan           159
bruce.irvin        158
jeff.horvath       158
prophet            158
seanse             157
allenj1            156
jluttine           156
matty              156
lewandow           154
ed.rybak           152
rjolsonjr          149

A second honorable mention goes to Ted Faber "College" for his stellar week 11, getting the highest score.  This is the second year in a row Ted has won this award, and in both years he put up a 131 score.  Impressive.

Player             Points (week)
faber              131 (11)
prophet            129 (13)
tararichte         122 (9)
paul               121 (9)
otero              120 (9)
otero              52 (5)
tararichte         52 (5)
matty              50 (5)
ed.rybak           45 (5)
allenj1            42 (10)

Our third and fourth honorable mentions go to Gary "not Indiana" Lewandowski and Dan "The Man" Otero for being the most consistent and least consistent at their picks based on the standard deviation of each person's picks.

Player                 Standard Deviation
lewandow            	12.23
rjolsonjr           	12.43
ajpetrosino         	13.31
jim_pruyne          	14.16
wlistvan            	14.20
jeff.horvath        	14.52
faber               	14.91
seanse              	14.95
rmaclin             	15.64
olson.brad          	15.93
bruce.irvin         	16.33
jdavis              	16.35
paul                	16.45
ed.rybak            	16.54
tararichte          	16.83
prophet             	17.11
matty               	17.32
jluttine            	17.65
allenj1             	18.63
bpodemski           	19.14
otero               	19.60

Our fifth and sixth honorable mention goes to Jim "but call me Tim" Pruyne and Ron "Threepeat" Olson as the most average and least average pickers (measured by measuring the standard deviation of the other pickers based on using each person in turn as the "mean").  This is the third year in a row for Ron to win this award, so extra congratulations to Ron.

Player      Standard Deviation
jim_pruyne	11.06
bruce.irvin	11.79
jdavis  	11.87
matty   	12.20
jeff.horvath	12.24
rmaclin 	12.44
wlistvan	12.53
seanse  	12.70
ajpetrosino	12.92
lewandow	13.25
tararichte	13.27
bpodemski	13.51
allenj1 	13.77
olson.brad	13.98
paul    	14.31
jluttine	14.47
faber   	14.90
ed.rybak	15.13
otero   	15.26
prophet 	17.13
rjolsonjr	19.45

Our seventh honorable mention goes to Ed "Make em work" Rybak for being the most effective at weighting his picks (measured as the marginal gain in points compared to simply randomly weighting picks).  

Player                    Marginal Gain (pts per pick)
ed.rybak                  0.995
jeff.horvath              0.872
jdavis                    0.801
tararichte                0.796
allenj1                   0.709
matty                     0.626
jluttine                  0.574
wlistvan                  0.546
rmaclin                   0.544
jim_pruyne                0.524
ajpetrosino               0.492
lewandow                  0.490
otero                     0.445
prophet                   0.384
paul                      0.376
seanse                    0.374
bruce.irvin               0.327
faber                     0.262
olson.brad                0.261
bpodemski                 0.225
rjolsonjr                 0.094

Our last honorable mention awards go to Jeff "Back from the Bottom" Horvath for the biggest gain (well, smallest loss) over last year's score (these totals are measured only for those who participated in every week last year and every week this year).  Everyone did worse this year, but it was a very tough year.

Player             2010  2009   Gain/Loss
jeff.horvath       1548  1566   -18
otero              1518  1559   -41
faber              1516  1595   -79
paul               1572  1651   -79
jim_pruyne         1512  1598   -86
wlistvan           1506  1602   -96
jdavis             1566  1672   -106
rmaclin            1572  1681   -109
olson.brad         1525  1635   -110
tararichte         1575  1688   -113
jluttine           1482  1612   -130
ajpetrosino        1554  1705   -151
allenj1            1503  1660   -157
lewandow           1450  1616   -166
prophet            1471  1648   -177
bruce.irvin        1462  1650   -188
matty              1490  1695   -205
seanse             1460  1724   -264
rjolsonjr          1344  1609   -265

Congratulations again to our big winner Brenda Podemski as well as our honorable mention winners (Brenda again, Ted Faber, Gary Lewandowski, Dan Otero, Jim Pruyne, Ron Olson, Ed Rybak and Jeff Horvath).  I would also like to again congratulate my wife Tara who beat me in the overall score again this year, so she is again champion of our house.

You can all collect your rewards next time you see me.  ;-) Look for the return of the pool later in August next year.

Happy New Year!
