Hi all,

Well, here are the final results.  Hope everyone has a great New Year.

Another year and another disappointing Badger bowl game.  I like Anderson, but what is with not running on first down when in the red zone??

We had a high of -16 yesterday.  Today I was really excited that it was 8 degrees when I went out.  Living in Minnesota has really begun to affect me.  ;-)

Anyways, Happy New Year!


On to the results:

Week 17

Player             Points
je.mappelle.wendyi 134
tararichte         131
paul               130
seanse             130
jessejdavis        128
rjolsonjr          128
jeff.horvath       126
olson.brad         126
allenj1            125
faber              122
gnotation          122
jim_pruyne         122
prophet            120
rmaclin            118
lewandow           115
bruce.irvin        112
matty              110
ajpetrosino        101
jluttine           98
otero              98

Which gives us final totals of  ...


Player             Points
tararichte         1656
je.mappelle.wendyi 1651
seanse             1647
paul               1642
jessejdavis        1635
matty              1617
jeff.horvath       1588
olson.brad         1576
bruce.irvin        1568
rmaclin            1553
otero              1538
lewandow           1534
ajpetrosino        1526
gnotation          1515
allenj1            1514
faber              1504
jluttine           1499
jim_pruyne         1495
prophet            1467
rjolsonjr          1435

Congratulations to Tara "My Beautiful Wife" Richter who held off Wendy in the last week (each of them only missed one game).

Now on to the rest of our awards show:

Despite an impressive overall total, Tara only finished second to Bruce "I outpicked the experts on Fox" Irvin in picking the most games correctly, so Bruce wins our first honorable mention.  Results were about the same as last year:

Player             #Games Correct (out of 256)
bruce.irvin        174
tararichte         173
seanse             171
je.mappelle.wendyi 170
matty              170
paul               170
gnotation          167
otero              166
jessejdavis        165
olson.brad         164
jeff.horvath       162
rjolsonjr          162
rmaclin            162
faber              161
ajpetrosino        157
allenj1            156
jim_pruyne         156
lewandow           156
jluttine           155
prophet            155

A second honorable mention goes to Wendy "15 of 16" Istvanick for her impressive last week score, missing only her 2 point pick.

Player             Points (week)
je.mappelle.wendyi 134 (17)
tararichte         131 (17)
paul               130 (17)
seanse             130 (17)
jessejdavis        128 (17)
rjolsonjr          128 (17)
ajpetrosino        125 (16)
bruce.irvin        48 (12)
jim_pruyne         48 (12)
rmaclin            47 (10)
faber              42 (10)
lewandow           40 (10)

Our third and fourth honorable mentions go to Ron "Repeat" Olson and Brad "Not a Twin" Olson" for being the most consistent and least consistent at their picks based on the standard deviation of each person's picks.  

Player                  Standard Deviation
rjolsonjr           	18.19
jessejdavis         	18.49
allenj1             	18.65
jluttine            	18.67
gnotation           	18.79
jim_pruyne          	19.06
tararichte          	19.08
ajpetrosino         	19.22
otero               	19.27
matty               	19.34
seanse              	19.50
jeff.horvath        	19.65
je.mappelle.wendyi  	19.89
prophet             	20.09
paul                	20.11
bruce.irvin         	20.71
rmaclin             	20.88
lewandow            	22.49
faber               	22.66
olson.brad          	23.18

Our fifth and sixth honorable mention goes to Paul "As Consistent as Ed" Bradley and Ron "Most Consistent AND Least Average??" Olson as the most average and least average pickers (measured by measuring the standard deviation of the other pickers based on using each person in turn as the "mean").  

Player                  Standard Deviation
paul    		12.94
seanse  		13.07
je.mappelle.wendyi	13.17
jim_pruyne		13.17
tararichte		13.24
jeff.horvath		13.31
jessejdavis		13.37
rmaclin 		13.98
allenj1 		14.73
otero   		14.80
matty   		14.81
jluttine		14.82
lewandow		15.19
bruce.irvin		15.58
olson.brad		16.76
gnotation		16.84
faber   		17.07
prophet 		17.93
ajpetrosino		18.53
rjolsonjr		19.03

Our seventh honorable mention goes to Jesse "New Dad" Davis for being the most effective at weighting his picks (measured as the marginal gain in points compared to simply randomly weighting picks).  

Player                    Marginal Gain (pts per pick)
jessejdavis               0.975
lewandow                  0.900
jeff.horvath              0.869
ajpetrosino               0.786
je.mappelle.wendyi        0.778
allenj1                   0.772
jluttine                  0.737
paul                      0.725
seanse                    0.698
olson.brad                0.676
rmaclin                   0.653
jim_pruyne                0.650
tararichte                0.639
matty                     0.578
prophet                   0.531
faber                     0.408
otero                     0.331
gnotation                 0.138
bruce.irvin               0.078
rjolsonjr                -0.076

Our last honorable mention awards go to Wendy "Monster Jump" Istvanick for the biggest gain  over last year's score (these totals are measured only for those who participated in every week last year and every week this year).  

Player             2013  2012   Gain/Loss
je.mappelle.wendyi 1651 1492   159
seanse             1647 1569   78
ajpetrosino        1526 1456   70
tararichte         1656 1617   39
olson.brad         1576 1540   36
paul               1642 1636   6
jessejdavis        1635 1637   -2
bruce.irvin        1568 1574   -6
lewandow           1534 1548   -14
matty              1617 1633   -16
gnotation          1515 1536   -21
otero              1538 1575   -37
jeff.horvath       1588 1644   -56
jluttine           1499 1574   -75
faber              1504 1581   -77
rmaclin            1553 1641   -88
prophet            1467 1561   -94
allenj1            1514 1627   -113
rjolsonjr          1435 1554   -119
jim_pruyne         1495 1632   -137

Congratulations again to our big winner Tara "My Lovely Wife" Richter as well as our honorable mention winners (Bruce Irvin, Wendy Istvanick, Ron Olson, Brad Olson, Paul Bradley, Ron again, Jesse Davis, and Wendy again).  My beautiful (and busy) wife gave birth this year and did her picks while commuting back and forth to St Cloud.  Quite a feat.

You can all collect your rewards next time you see me.  ;-) Look for the return of the pool later in August next year.

Happy New Year!
