The Russian Club
      Без удобрений не будет растений...                                                                                                                                                                           The University of Minnesota Duluth

Some students here at UMD got together and formed this club to encourage activities that involve speaking Russian and doing Russian stuff, or other Slavic stuff for that matter, including eating, listening to music, watching films, and so on.

Here's a link to our google doc with a current discussion of our activities.

We’re having an organizational meeting on September the 14th in the Humanities Building, room 468 at 4 PM.  Come by to join up and/or help plan the upcoming semester.  Or write to umdrussianclub at or contact Dan Nolan, the faculty advisor for the Russian Club (dnolan at

For more info on upcoming film screenings, click here.



Did you see our garden? Russian club members volunteered last summer to help cultivate a garden, next to the Dining Commons. We then used the vegetables to prepare our Russian cuisine for a group party with the French Club.