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Posted by Alissa Henry on January 06, 1999 at 21:46:38:

In Reply to: The power of religion posted by michael sullivan on December 11, 1998 at 10:50:15:

There are three things that I want to live my life without: hambugers, the bible, and the movie Dances with Wolves. It sounds silly on the surface, but there is a form of reasoning behind it. I've never eaten a hamburger, or seen Dances with Wolves, and I can definately say my life isn't lacking any. I had to read the bible once (in Bacig's Utopian Visions class...) and I didn't find it all too fascinating. Not to offend anyone, of course. I do believe in a big "something" up there, and that gives me someone to talk to when I'm scared, upset, angry, etc. I don't really think about what happens when I die. What's the point? Why not live life to the absolute highest, and leave the worrying until it actually happens? Instead, I live my days trying to be a good person, and I figure if there is something after this shindig we call life, maybe I'll be fortunate enough to get in.

I was on the bus one day and there were these two women sitting in front of me, and one was worried about something, and she was going on and on about how worried she was that things weren't going to turn out well. And the lady next to her said "Don't worry, God will take care of you, if it's his time to go, it's his time to go, you can't change God's mind." And she was so serious and believing in what she said that I had to smile. Wouldn't it be neat to believe in religion so strongly that you KNEW everything would turn out alright? And geez, having such trust in something seems amazing to me. I was envious, in a way, because she felt so strongly about it, I mean, she KNEW what she said was truth.

I never had to go to chruch while growing up, it wasn't talked about in my family. In some ways, I feel I've missed out. It's like everyone else got to go to a party and they met this kick ass person named God/Allah/etc. and I wasn't invited, so I have to live my life without it. I don't think I'll ever feel strongly about any sort of religion, I guess I just can't buy into it.

I agree with one of you (I can't remember which one) when you said that God is losing popularity, in a sense. John Lennon once said that the Beatles were "more popular than Jesus" and people grew so angry at him. I'd like to know what all of you think about that.

John Lennon also said something once, and I try to live my life by it..."I don't believe in the Beatles, I just believe in me."

Alissa :)

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