PC Software Setup Instructions for Computer Architecture Lab

Instruction for installing software pieces for Nexys-4 DDR FPGA Training Boards on EE4305 Lab PCs.
For EE 4305 labs, a Nexys-4 DDR board is connected to a PC through USB, and the following software setups on the PC are required. This instruction is for EE Lab Coordinator or students who want to set up an EE4305 lab station at home.

  1. Install Xilinx Vivado 2019.1 (instruction)
  2. Copy Nexys4_ddr Boards folder (instruction), nexys4_ddr.zip
  3. Install UART Driver for Nexys4-DDR (instruction), CDM21228_Setup.exe
  4. Install Tera-Term (instruction), teraterm-4.76.exe