WIM Data Conversion and Analysis Software Tools: Trial Versions

Installation of .Net Framework 3.5 full version (Not the Client Profile version) is required. The following software tools are provided as trial versions by the University of Minnesota. To obtain a fully licensed version, please contact, Chris Ghere, gher0006@umn.edu, Ph: 612-624-6797 at the Office of Technology Commercialization.


Reporting/Analysis Software Tools

BullReport: BullReportTrialVersion.msi ( updated on Jan 9, 2014), Integrated reporting and data analysis tools for MnDOT WIM data reporting.

Bullpiezo: BullPiezoV1.4.msi (V1.4, updated on 6/12/2012) This software generates Seasonal Adjustment Factors (MAF), AADT, and Monthly Average Daily Vehicle Group Volumes (MADT) from MnDOT piezo classification csv files, WIM csv files, or TMG-CLA files. BullPiezo User Manual

BullGuide: BullGuide.msi (Version 1.1, 5/18/2009) This software translates WIM csv files into MEPDG input files, which is essentially the same export process provided by trafLoad.This one is simply easier to use and takes much less efforts than that of trafLoad.


Raw Binary Files To CSV Translation Software Tools

BullConverter: BullConverterTrialVersion.msi (Version 4.4, updated on 5/25/2014)
BullConverter User Manual : incl descriptions on the usage, output formats, and utility.

Peak converter: PeakConverterV2.1.msi (V2.1, updated on 5/31/2012) This software utility converts Peek vol, cls, and spd binary files to ASCII csv files, which are then used as inputs to BullPiezo. Peak Converter User Manual

The above software tools were developed as a part of actual sponsored research projects, and the use is only permitted for governmental and educational uses.