CS 5761 - Introduction to Natural Language Processing

Project Proposal due by 5pm Weds April 7 via webdrop. Please submit a pdf or ps file.


To outline the design and scope of your project in a formal written proposal.


Your project will involve producing both a Perl implementation and a written report. There are two possible topics: Within these topics you have considerable discretion as to how you proceed. If you would like to work in teams of two, that is possible. However, you must clearly define what each team member will be contributing. You should structure things so that each team member has a distinct role in the project.

If you have an alternative idea for a project, please let me know via email by Weds March 31. I am willing to consider such possibilities, but would like to discuss those with you before you proceed too far. If you would like to use the basic idea of the projects above and modify them in some significant way, then you should also send me an email note by March 31 letting me know the general idea so we can discuss. By Weds April 7 you should have produced a project proposal. It should include the following: Your proposal should probably be 2-3 pages, and it should be well written and carefully thought out. It will provide a road map for your project so the more you put into this the more smoothly your project will go.

You will also present your project proposal in the lab on Thursday April 8. There is no need to prepare a formal presentation, we can use your written proposal as a point of reference while you describe things.

If I have significant concerns about your topic or some aspect of your proposal I will let you know within a few days after you submit the proposal. In that case I might request that you make some changes or provide additional details.