Evaluador Version 0.03 Evaluador Installation Guide Installation Guide for Evaluador Module - Unix/linux Command Line ================================================================= Requirements: ============= 1) Perl Version 5.8 or better Required for Evaluador. You can check the version of Perl you have by issuing the following command. COMMAND:Perl -V 2) Brill Tagger - Installation file and instructions @ : http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~brill/RBT1_14.tar.Z Brill Tagger Installation Instructions ====================================== Download the Brill Tagger Installation file from http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~brill/RBT1_14.tar.Z and store the installation file in your local directory: Eg, /home/username/ *Note: The following commands are for the Unix/Linux Command prompt. Next, unzip and untar the file into your local directory. COMMAND: uncompress RBT1_14.tar.Z COMMAND: tar -xvf RBT1_14.tar This command would have unpacked the tagger into /home/username/RULE_BASED_TAGGER_V1.14/ (If you had unpacked the Brill Tagger from you local directory) Next, Change the directory to the Brill Tagger directory. COMMAND: cd /home/username/RULE_BASED_TAGGER_V1.14/ The Brill Tagger uses the "cc" compiler. Current Unix and Linux versions use the "gcc" compiler. Hence, change every occurence of "cc" to "gcc" in the file named Makefile. Finally, make the installation, COMMAND: make You should now be able to access the tagger. So if you had installed the Brill tagger in /home/username/ then, you should be able to see the tagger file in /home/username/RULE_BASED_TAGGER_V1.14/Bin_and_Data/ To run the tagger, you would have to go into the Bin_and_Data directory and issue the following command: COMMAND: tagger LEXICON inputfile BIGRAMS LEXICALRULEFILE CONTEXTUALRULEFILE Use the name of the file to be tagged instead of inputfile in the above command. The input file is basically a corpus of text. The description of the other command line arguments given in the above command are given in the Brill Tagger readme file. EVALUADOR INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS =================================== If you would like more information on installing Perl modules, visit: http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2002/04/10/mod_perl.html 1) CD into the untarred Evaluador directory. COMMAND: cd SAN-LORENZO 2) Next make the installation: For the command given below, please mak sure to replace LOCALPERLLIBPATH and LOCALBINPATH with the path to your local perl lib directory and your local bin directory respectively. We do not need to create these directories manually, because the installation command later on will automatically take care of that. An example command is also given. COMMAND: perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=LOCALPERLLIBPATH LIB=LOCALBINPATH EXAMPLE COMMAND: perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/home/username/lib/ LIB=/home/username/bin 3) Next, We need to test if the package is working correctly: COMMAND: make test 4) If the tests were succesful, install the program: COMMAND: make install If the tests were not successful, you must be missing some of the pre-requisites. 5) Next, we need to add this LOCALBINPATH to the perl @INC variable. To do this, open your .cshrc file, this should be in your local directory. /home/username/.cshrc Open your .cshrc file and add this line to it: setenv PERL5LIB LOCALBINPATH Where you would replace LOCALBINPATH with the your local directory name. setenv PERL5LIB /home/username/bin Save the changes, Next issue the command: COMMAND: source .cshrc This should have added the LOCALBINPATH to your Perl @INC variable.To see if the command was successful, issue the following command: COMMAND:perl -V This command will print out all the directories in which Perl would look for modules. *Note: You can also modify the @INC variable in your Perl scripts. 6) Next, we need to change the "initconfig.txt" file. This file contains the different paths to the programs etc that EValuador uses. We change it here, so that the user has to change it only once. Change the current directory to: COMMAND: cd /home/username/SAN-LORENZO/Config This is basically the directory in which the "untarred" contents of Evaluador reside. 6) Open the file named "initconfig.txt", and change the basedir path to the location where the SAN-LORENZO folder exists. Eg, /home/username/SAN-LORENZO/ Please make sure that you give the forward slash in front of SAN-LORENZO. The program would not work correctly otherwise. 7) Next, in the same file, give the path to the Brill Tagger Bin_and_Data directory: Eg, /home/username/RULE_BASED_TAGGER_V1.14/Bin_and_Data/ Please make sure that you give the forward slash in front of Bin_and_Data. The program would not work correctly otherwise. 8) Next, in the same file, give your google api key eg, iROSyfxQFHKjtA1CL This is not a valid key, so please make sure to change this. If you do not have an Google API Key you can get one for free @: http://www.google.com/apis/ *Note: The key is a must for Evaluador to run. 9) The final initconfig.txt should look something like this: Evaluador basedir::/home/username/SAN-LORENZO/ #please give full path to evaluador taggerdir::/home/username/RULE_BASED_TAGGER_V1.14/Bin_and_Data/ #please give the path to the Brill Tagger Bin_and_Data dir apikey::iROSyfxQFHKjtA1CL #please give your google api key here Save the changes. 10) Finally, open the file testSystem.pl, which is in the /home/username/SAN-LORENZO/Example/ directory. Next, modify the variable "$pathtoconfigfile" to the exact location of the config file. Eg, $pathtoconfigfile="/home/username/SAN-LORENZO/Config/initconfig.txt"; Save the changes. 11) Run the Perl script by issuing the following command to see if the installation was successful: COMMAND:perl testSystem.pl Webinterface Installtion Instructions ===================================== The Evaluador web interface is implemented using simple HTML and CGI scripts. Please make sure that the version of perl running on your web server is perl 5.8 or better. The files required for the installation of the web interface can be found in the directory: /home/username/SAN-LORENZO/WebInterface/ To install the web interface please follow these steps: ======================================================= 1) Copy the /home/username/SAN-LORENZO/Webinterface/evaluador directory and its contents into your cgi-bin directory (Where all your cgi files reside). So it should be something like: /home/username/webspace/cgi-bin/evaluador/ 2) Next, set the permissions for the directory. Eg, COMMAND:chmod -R 755 /home/username/webspace/cgi-bin/evaluador/ This is the Unix command to set access permissions. The -R makes sure that the permissions are set for the evaluador directory and all of its contents. 755 is an permission option where the first digit represents the owner, the second digit represents the group, and last digit represents everyone else. There are 3 possible permission you can give to a file: READ - value 4 WRITE - value 2 EXECUTE - value 1 For each possible by summing the value you can set the permission. For our case when we say 755 we are saying (4+2+1) for owner, (4+1) for group, and (4+1) for everyone else. 3) Next, in the evaluador.cgi file, set $configFile to the configuration file in your /home/username/Config directory. Eg: $configFile="/home/username/SAN-LORENZO/Config/initconfig.txt"; Save the changes. 4) We provide an additional script that would help administrators to see the results and log. Its called "admin.cgi" This file is located in same directory as evaluador.cgi Open the file and make two changes only. The first change is to set the "userdata.txt" file location, this file contains the username and password data. The second change is to set the data location, the path to the Temp folder in Evaluador directory. e.g /home/username/SAN-LORENZO/Temp You should now be able to use the web interface. Username and Password ======================= 1) The login and password for the adiminstrator is: username:admin password:bulldogs 2) E-valuador has a simple login system. To add users, simply open the "userdata.txt" file in the cgi-bin/evaluador directory and add a new username and password, and the type. If the type is set to "staff" it means it has administrative priviledges (user can see the modules intermediate scores, etc). The other option is just "user" where the user does not see any of the intermediate results. Each username & password combination should be on a seperate line. Log === 1) To see who has been using E-Valuador, simply access the admin.cgi file which was installed in your web directory.