CS 8995 Tuesday March 20, 1pm The deadline for stage 1 of the final project has been adjusted. Your gold standard data is still due at 4pm, Friday Mar 23. You must submit your gold standard data by this time, and it must be a unicode file that exactly follows the formatting guidelines provided. The rest of your stage 1 work is due by 4pm, Monday March 26. However, you must now evaluate your sentence alignment program not only using your gold standard data, but those of ALL the other teams. Report those results in a table in the write up you will submit on Monday. I will post all of the gold standard data on the class web page before 6pm Friday. Your table should look like this (assume that my evaluation metric assigns scores from 0 to 1000, your metric may follow whatever scale you like, but it should ultimately report a single value). Assume that this is for team PUEBLA. CRUZ AZUL 900 TOLUCA 800 MORELIA 990 UNAM 200 PACHUCA 700 TIGRES 400 PUEBLA 800 This table tells me that the PUEBLA sentence alignment program scored 900 on the CRUZ AZUL data, 800 on the TOLUCA data, 990 on the MORELIA data, ..., and finally 800 on your own data. Once you have turned in stage 1 of the project, I will post your evaluation programs. You will then evaluate the results of your sentence alignment program using each of the different evaluation programs. This must be completed by Weds Mar 28. Further details will be provided on Monday. Since we are sharing data and code, it is crucial that your data follow the established format, and that your code run as I describe on the class web page writeup. Follow the naming conventions and parameter usages given exactly! Make certain that your code runs on the csdev platforms exactly as requested. Good luck!