/WordNet-InfoContent-3.0 README This directory contains information content files created for use with the WordNet::Similarity package. You can find out more about this package at: http://wn-similarity.sourceforge.net These files are provided in order to save you the trouble of creating your own information content files. There are two reasons you might want to do take advantage of this. First, some of the corpora are not freely available (BNC and Treebank). We aren't giving you the corpora here, but we are giving you the information content values derived from those corpora. Second, the programs that create information content can run for quite a while, especially BNC. WARNING: These files are for use with WordNet 3.0. They will not work with any other version of WordNet. You can find these files for other versions of WordNet at http://wn-similarity.sourceforge.net ========================================================================== LIST OF IC FILES PROVIDED: ic-bnc-add1.dat ic-bnc.dat ic-bnc-resnik.dat ic-bnc-resnik-add1.dat ic-brown-add1.dat ic-brown.dat ic-brown-resnik-add1.dat ic-brown-resnik.dat ic-semcor-add1.dat ic-semcor.dat ic-semcorraw-add1.dat ic-semcorraw-resnik-add1.dat ic-semcorraw-resnik.dat ic-semcorraw.dat ic-shaks-add1.dat ic-shaks.dat ic-shaks-resnik.dat ic-shaks-resnink-add1.dat ic-treebank-add1.dat ic-treebank.dat ic-treebank-resnik-add1.dat ic-treebank-resnik.dat ========================================================================== IC FILE NAMES: The file names show the source of data and the options used to create it. Data sources: bnc : British National Corpus, world edition, December 2000 Release, http://www.hcu.ox.ac.uk/BNC/ brown : Brown corpus, from the ICAME Collection of English Language Corpora Second Edition, 1999, http://www.hit.uib.no/icame/cd treebank : Penn Treebank, from the Linguistic Data Consortium, Release 2, CDROM, http://ldc.upenn.edu semcor : SemCor, this is based on the cntlist file distributed with WordNet 3.0, which is included in this tar ball as cntlist. semcorraw : SemCor (treated as raw text, sense tags are ignored) from http://www.cs.unt.edu/~rada/downloads.html#semcor shaks : Complete Works of Shakespeare, from Project Gutenburg ftp://sailor.gutenberg.org/pub/gutenberg/etext94/shaks12.txt included in this directory as shaks12.txt Options: resnik: a file created via "resnik counting", which means that each concept associated with a word type receives an equal share of each count. If there are two senses of a word xyz, then when we observe xyz in a corpus each of the concepts associated with each sense is updated by .5. In our default counting scheme, each concept received a full count for each word types associated with it. Thus, in the case of xyz, each of the two concepts will receive a count of 1. add1: add 1 smoothing has been carried out. Each concept starts with a count of 1 associated with it. Thus, no concepts will have 0 counts associated with them. ========================================================================== CREATING INFORMATION CONTENT FILES: The programs that generated these information content files are distributed with the WordNet::Similarity Perl module. The script IC-compute.sh will re-create these files for you (assuming you have the corpora available). You will also need the following files: 1) stoplist.txt, which is available in /samples and also included in this tar ball Please note that we provided a file wn30compounds.txt, but that is just for your information. As of WordNet::Similarity 2.0 the *Freq.pl programs find compounds automatically now without reference to a compound file list. ========================================================================== INTENDED USE OF INFORMATION CONTENT FILES You can refer to a different information content file by providing a configuration file to your res, lin, or jcn measure, with the location of your info content file specified. For example, suppose the following is contained in a file called new-lin.config: ----------------- cut here --------------- WordNet::Similarity::lin infocontent::/home/tpederse/MyPerlLib/WordNet/ic-brown-resnik.dat ----------------- cut here --------------- Then, you could run similarity.pl and use that information content file for the lin measure rather than the default file ic-semcor.dat perl similarity.pl --type WordNet::Similarity::lin --config ./new-lin.config dog cat You could also replace the ic-semcor.dat file in your distribution by renaming your file as ic-semcor.dat and putting it in the default location for the info content file, typically LIB/WordNet/ic-semcor.dat, where LIB is the directory where Perl modules are installed. ========================================================================== Date of Last Update: April 11, 2008 by TDP