Lesson # 1

Grade Level: 4-6

The students are placed into groups of five. One student starts a sentence or a paragraph and passes it to the next person who then adds to the sentence or paragraph. Each student contributes their own thoughts until all have had a turn. Then the group discusses how to illustrate what the writing was about. Once the concept is clear the children, working together, draw, color or paint their idea onto a large sheet of paper.

English Objectives: To work in a social way putting together a complete sentence and paragraphs. To foster creative writing.

Art Objectives:To illustrate thoughts and ideas within a group function. To create visual representations of writings.

Needed Materials: Large paper from a paper roll, paints or crayons.

Lesson # 2

Grade Level: 1-6

The teacher introduces various types of poems, discusses meter and importance of poetry. Examples of famous poets and their poems are used. The students are then asked to create their own poem. When the poem is finished the student is then asked to illustrate it. Students who volunteer read their poem and show their drawing to the rest of the class.

English Objectives: To relate to the poetry of well known poets. To create a poem. To share poetic thoughts with others.

Art Objectives: To promote the ability to relate visually to the written word. To show the relationship to poetry and drawing. To critique the art work with the class.

Needed Materials: Drawing paper, crayons, paints, or other marking devices.

Lesson # 3

Grade Level: 4-6

Each child is given a small rock. The children are asked to look at the rock from all sides. They are to think of a question that is important to them. Write the question down. Look at the "magic" rock to see if they can find images that will answer the question. Write the answer down or describe the images witnessed in the rock. Draw a picture of one of the images or the answer to the question.

English Objectives: To use an object to stimulate creative writing. To realize that the ability to write can be based on many kinds of stimuli. To relate a personal thought to imagined writing.

Art Objectives: To use an object as a bases for a creative drawing. To relate visually to words and thoughts.

Needed Materials: Rocks, paper, crayon or other markers or paints.

Lesson # 4

Grade Level: 1-6

The teacher selects several words from the dictionary. The words are such as to provide feelings and imagery when heard (sweet, sour, bitter, hug, kiss, etc.). The words should be age appropriate. The challenge is to select a word and use it as a basis for a short story. Then illustrate the story.

English Objectives: To build on vocabulary. To encourage creative writing.

Art Objectives: To express creativity and individuality. To visually relate to the written word.

Needed Materials: Paper, crayons or markers or colored pencils, selected words.

Lesson # 5

Grade Level: 4-6

A story, play, or other such situation, is studied by the class. The class recreates the event by planning costumes, making props and scenery. A section of the story (or a version) is acted out using the costumes, props, and scenery. Parents are invitited.

English Objectives: To study the construction of a play. To learn to work together by cooperating in a variety of ways.

Art Objectives: To use two and three dimensional materials. To create appropriate and large background drawings and paintings. To provide a planning and team working situation.

Needed Materials: Large cardboard boxes, paint, brushes, glue, scissors, paper. Costumes can be simple fabric or cut and pinned paper simulating fabric.

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