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Information Technology Systems and Services

Pope Tech/WAVE Alert Rule Set

Alerts are parts of a page that could be an accessibility concern such as non-html files and videos. When Pope Tech/WAVE flags an alert, you should check it manually to see if it is an issue or not. The documentation will link to the applicable WCAG 2.1 Success Criteria and tell you:

42 Alert Rules That Are Checked

  1. A nearby image has the same alternative text
  2. Accesskey
  3. Audio/Video
  4. Broken same-page link
  5. Device dependent event handler
  6. Fieldset missing legend
  7. Flash
  8. HTML5 video or audio
  9. Image with title
  10. Java applet
  11. JavaScript jump menu
  12. Justified text
  13. Layout table
  14. Link to document
  15. Link to Excel spreadsheet
  16. Link to PDF document
  17. Link to PowerPoint document
  18. Link to Word document
  19. Long alternative text
  20. Long description
  21. Missing fieldset
  22. Missing first level heading
  23. No heading structure
  24. No page regions
  25. Noscript element
  26. Orphaned form label
  27. Plugin
  28. Possible heading
  29. Possible list
  30. Possible table caption
  31. Redundant alternative text
  32. Redundant link
  33. Redundant title text
  34. Select missing label
  35. Skipped heading level
  36. Suspicious alternative text
  37. Suspicious link text
  38. Tabindex
  39. Underlined text
  40. Unlabeled form control with title
  41. Very small text
  42. YouTube video