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Information Technology Systems and Services

Pope Tech/WAVE Error Rule Set

Errors are almost certainly accessibility issues. Make them a priority to fix so that people with disabilities will not encounter barriers. When Pope Tech/WAVE flags an error, you should check it manually to see if it is an issue or not. The documentation will link to the applicable WCAG 2.1 Success Criteria and tell you:

22 Error Rules That Are Checked

  1. Blinking content
  2. Broken ARIA menu
  3. Broken ARIA reference
  4. Broken skip link
  5. Empty button
  6. Empty form label
  7. Empty heading
  8. Empty link
  9. Empty table header
  10. Image button missing alternative text
  11. Image map area missing alternative text
  12. Image map missing alternative text
  13. Invalid longdesc
  14. Language missing or invalid
  15. Linked image missing alternative text
  16. Marquee
  17. Missing alternative text
  18. Missing form label
  19. Missing or uninformative page title
  20. Multiple form labels
  21. Page refreshes or redirects
  22. Spacer image missing alternative text