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CS 4411/5651 Syllabus

Spring 2006

CS 4411 Course Description

CS 4411 Course Outcomes

CS 5651 Course Description

CS 5651 Course Outcomes

Textbooks and Materials

Topics and Readings

Grading Basis

Homework Assignments (7) 10%
Lab Exercises (8) 10%
Programming Assignments (5) 10%
Midterms (2) 30%
Final Exam 30%

Exam Dates

Midterm I Chapters 1, 2 Tuesday, February 14
Midterm II Chapters 3, 4 Thursday, March 30
Final Exam Chapters 5, 8, 9 Monday, May 8, 2:00-3:55

Approximately 30% of the final exam will be over material covered on the midterm exams.


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