These diagrams are broken up into the following sections.

All URL hashes refer to the web page

Datapath: #datapath
AND Gate: #and
AND Gate As a Control: #and-ctrl
OR Gate: #or
XOR Gate: #xor
XOR Gate As a Control: #xor-ctrl
Multiplexer: #multiplexer
Multiplexer Implementation: #mux-imp
Demultiplexer Implementation: #demux-imp
Full Adder: #full-adder
Full Adder Implementation: #full-adder-imp
Carry Lookahead Full Adder: #cla-fa
Carry Lookahead Full Adder Implementation: #cla-fa-imp
Flip-Flop: #flip-flop
SR Latch Implementation: #sr-latch-imp
Clock Pulser: #clock-pulser
Flip-Flop Implementation: #flip-flop-imp
Register Implementation: #register-imp
A 1-Bit ALU: #alu
A 1-Bit ALU Implementation: #alu-imp
Carry Lookahead ALU Implementation: #cla-alu-imp
A 4-Bit Adder: #4-adder
A 4-Bit Adder-Subtracter: #4-adder-subtracter
A 4m-Bit Adder: #4m-adder
A Comparator: #comparator
A 4m-Bit Comparator: #4m-comparator
Hierarchical Trees - #hierarchical-trees
A 16-Bit Carry Lookahead ALU - #16-alu
A 16-Bit Adder - #16-adder
Shifting - #shifting
Shift Register - #shift-register-imp
Barrel Shifter - #barrel-shifter-imp
Multiplier Divider - #multiplier-divider