Only integer arithmetic instructions are described here.

Data transformation instructions produce new data from one or more source operands. The new data is placed into the destination register. There are 4 types of data transformation instructions.

Instruction Operation
add Rd, Rs1, Rcs2 add int
div Rd, Rs1, Rcs2 divide int
mul Rd, Rs1, Rcs2 multiply int
neg Rd, Rs negate int (with overflow)
negu Rd, Rs negate int (without overflow)
rem Rd, Rs1, Rcs2 divide int (Rd = remainder)
sub Rd, Rs1, Rcs2 subtract int
Instruction Operation
add Rd, Rs1, Rcs2 add int
div Rd, Rs1, Rcs2 divide int
mul Rd, Rs1, Rcs2 multiply int
neg Rd, Rs negate int
rem Rd, Rs1, Rcs2 divide int (Rd = remainder)
sub Rd, Rs1, Rcs2 subtract int
Instruction Operation
abs.d Rd, Rs absolute value double
abs.s Rd, Rs absolute value float
add.d Fd, Fs1, Fcs2 add double
add.s Fd, Fs1, Fcs2 add float
div.d Fd, Fs1, Fcs2 divide double
div.s Fd, Fs1, Fcs2 divide float
mul.d Fd, Fs1, Fcs2 multiply double
mul.s Fd, Fs1, Fcs2 multiply float
neg.d Fd, Fs negate double
neg.s Fd, Fs negate float
sub.d Fd, Fs1, Fcs2 subtract double
sub.s Fd, Fs1, Fcs2 subtract float
Instruction Operation
abs.d Rd, Rs absolute value double
add.d Fd, Fs1, Fcs2 add double
div.d Fd, Fs1, Fcs2 divide double
mul.d Fd, Fs1, Fcs2 multiply double
neg.d Fd, Fs negate double
sub.d Fd, Fs1, Fcs2 subtract double
Instruction Operation
and Rd, Rs1, Rcs2 bitwise and
nand Rd, Rs1, Rcs2 bitwise nand
nor Rd, Rs1, Rcs2 bitwise nor
not Rd, Rs bitwise not
or Rd, Rs1, Rcs2 bitwise or
rol Rd, Rs1, Rcs2 left rotate
ror Rd, Rs1, Rcs2 right rotate
sll Rd, Rs1, Rcs2 left shift
sra Rd, Rs1, Rcs2 arithmetic (sign extended) right shift
srl Rd, Rs1, Rcs2 logical (zero extended) right shift
xor Rd, Rs1, Rcs2 bitwise exclusive or

For shift and rotate instructions Rcs2 specifies the shift amount.

Instruction Operation
cvt.d.s Fd, Fs convert float to double
cvt.d.w Fd, Rs convert integer to double
cvt.s.d Fd, Fs convert double to float
cvt.s.w Fd, Rs convert integer to float
cvt.w.d Rd, Fs convert double to integer
cvt.w.s Rd, Fs convert float to integer