+++ WEB DESIGN UPDATE. - Volume 8, Issue 28, January 8, 2010. An email newsletter to distribute news and information about web design and development. ++ISSUE 28 CONTENTS. SECTION ONE: New references. What's new at the Web Design Reference site? http://www.d.umn.edu/goto/webdesign/ New links in these categories: 01: ACCESSIBILITY. 02: CASCADING STYLE SHEETS. 03: EVALUATION & TESTING. 04: EVENTS. 05: MISCELLANEOUS. 06: STANDARDS, GUIDELINES & PATTERNS. 07: USABILITY. 08: XML. SECTION TWO: 09: What Can You Find at the Web Design Reference Site? [Contents ends.] ++ SECTION ONE: New references. +01: ACCESSIBILITY. True Tales of Accessibility Ignorance By Steve Grobschmidt. "I was just recalling a recent firsthand experience with web accessibility ignorance, and thought I'd share, to kick off 2010..." http://www.theaccessibility.com/2010/01/captcha/ Steps Towards Building an Accessible Site: Part 1 By Henny Swan. "Web accessibility, in its purest form, is the practice of coding your web sites and applications so that users with disabilities can access all the content and functionality they provide. These users can break down into four main disability groups..." http://scrunchup.com/issue-4/building-accessible-sites-part-1/ Contacting Organizations about Inaccessible Websites (Draft) By Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI). "Steps to help you report websites with accessibility problems are described on this page: 1. Identify key contacts 2. Describe the problem 3. Follow-up as needed..." http://www.w3.org/WAI/users/inaccessible alt and title Content Display in Popular Browsers By Steve Faulkner. "...The results reveal a lack of standardized display behavior across browsers, which makes it difficult for authors to provide a predictable experience to users in cases where images are not available or users have disabled the display of images to suit their requirements. It would be useful if the recommended behavior was clearly specified in the HTML5 specification, the current wording is not precise, which will result in a continuation of the current diversity of implemented approaches." http://www.paciellogroup.com/blog/?p=498 Accessibility Statement: What Is It and Who Uses It? By Tom Babinszki. "On an increasing number of web sites you can find the phrase 'accessibility statement'. Sometimes it is very visible and hard to miss, in other cases we can barely find it. Did you ever read any of these statements? If you ever did, do you read it on all sites where you find them? In this article I will explain what is the accessibility statement, and give you a couple of points to decide if you need it on your web site..." http://www.evengrounds.com/articles/accessibility-statement Accessible Tables By Tom Babinszki. "...tables play a crucial role in helping users understand the contents of a web page. Persons with disabilities are no exception to this fact. It is therefore important for you to know how to make tables accessible for all types of users..." http://www.evengrounds.com/developers/accessible-tables New Years Eve, Prince (The Artist), and Alternate Text By Terrill Thompson. "...What should we use for alternate text when an image is meaningful, but unpronounceable?..." http://tinyurl.com/ycmdypw Web More Accessible to Those with Disabilities By Alejandro Martinez-Cabrera. "...The Internet has brought enormous benefits to people with disabilities, allowing them to become more competitive when applying for jobs, lessen their dependence on others, engage more actively in public debates and connect with their peers in ways that were impossible before. But at the same time, as society becomes more intertwined with digital media, the disabled struggle not to be left behind..." http://tinyurl.com/ycmdsdy The Web More Accessible, Really? By Kelly Ford. Still it is a mistake to equate this with real web accessibility. I think half the reason people with disabilities tolerate such a pathetic state of true accessibility is because the alternative to doing things online is that much more of a challenge. http://blog.kellyford.org/archives/2010/01/the_web_more_ac.html Internet Captions Mean Better Access for WA Deaf Community By Chris Thomas. "Most web sites that feature videos do not offer closed captioning, although a bill in Congress would require it..." http://tinyurl.com/yht8gle Making Footnotes Accessible in PDFs (and other PDF Accessibility Fixes) By Ted Page. "This article explains how to make footnotes accessible in PDFs using a technique that can also be applied to fix many other common PDF accessibility problems..." http://www.pws-ltd.com/sections/articles/2010/pdf_footnotes.html 17 Misconceptions about People with Hearing Loss By Janice Schacter. "Misconceptions about people who are deaf or hard of hearing are common place - some antiquated stereotypes, others are just incorrect assumptions. It's easy enough to get the wrong idea as hearing loss can be an invisible disability - unlike the wheelchair that signals a mobility challenge. Whether it's a total stranger trying to make small talk in sign language or a overly slowly articulating coworker or relative, it's time we initiated the conversation that will correct misconceptions and remove the stigma associated with deafness and hearing loss. This list of the more common misconceptions there are many more - can be a good starting point for that conversation..." http://www.drf.org/magazine/38/Winter+2010+Issue/article/309 +02: CASCADING STYLE SHEETS. The Importance of the !important CSS Declaration By Brigitte Simard. "...The !important declaration if used without much consideration can make CSS files difficult to maintain but if used with forethought, it can save time and effort." http://tinyurl.com/ya3u98t Join the CSS Quality Assurance Team By Elika Etemad. As you may (or may not) know, I'm an Invited Expert on the CSS Working Group at W3C. Mostly I talk about specs. But today, I'm going to talk about testing..." http://www.css3.info/css-quality-assurance/ +03: EVALUATION & TESTING. Wake Up! Test Analysts, Do Usability Testing Correctly By Gary Barber. "I'm seeing an interesting trend here in Perth. Recently, job adverts and recruiters looking for Test Analysts to do usability and accessibility testing as part of their duties. Now this is a good thing in a way..." http://tinyurl.com/yc62qkn +04: EVENTS. The Workshop Summits January 14-15, 2010. Online http://workshopsummits.eventbrite.com/ Interaction10 February 4-7, 2010. Savannah, Georgia, U.S.A. http://interaction.ixda.org/ Techshare India 2010 February 15-16, 2010. New Delhi, India http://techshare.barrierbreak.com/techshare2010.php International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM) July 5-8, 2010. Thunder Bay, Canada http://www.icdim.org/ Emerging Technologies for Online Learning Symposium July 20-23, 2010. San Jose, California, U.S.A. http://www.sloanconsortium.org/ET4online An Event Apart - Washington, DC September 16-17, 2010. Washington, DC, U.S.A. http://aneventapart.com/2010/dc/ Assets 2010 October 25-27, 2010. San Francisco, California U.S.A. http://www.sigaccess.org/assets10/ +05: MISCELLANEOUS. Interview with Jared Spool - CEO of User Interface Engineering By Russell Wilson. "Jared Spool is the CEO and founder of User Interface Engineering, a usability research organization. He is a prolific speaker and noted expert in the field of usability and user interface design..." http://tinyurl.com/yfxr79v +06: STANDARDS, GUIDELINES & PATTERNS. Why Validate Your Pages? By Tom Babinszki. "...Here are a few good reasons why you should validate your pages..." http://www.evengrounds.com/developers/why-validate-your-pages The Decline of Standards/Evolution and Devolution By Niels Matthijs. I'm still not sure how much I should adopt from these new methods. I'm eager to use new technologies. Ones that work faster, that are more logical and indicate the way of the future. But I also think it might be better to wait until they turn into a respectable standard before using them in any commercial project. It's not an easy choice to make, certainly while others are jumping on the boat already, gaining experience in what might be the techniques of tomorrow..." http://www.onderhond.com/blog/work/the-decline-of-web-standards An Open Invitation to the HTML5 Team By Vlad Alexander. "HTML5 was conceived and continues to be developed within a group of likeminded people. There has not been any in-depth debate about the design principles of HTML5, the direction in which HTML5 is heading, nor the process in which HTML5 is developed. As a result, HTML5 may not be meeting the needs of many stakeholders in Web technology and may be insufficient to significantly evolve the Web. I invite the HTML5 team to a series of debates, with myself and others, on HTML5 and the future of Web technology..." http://rebuildingtheweb.com/en/invitation-html5-team/ A Form of Madness By Mark Pilgrim. "HTML5 defines over a dozen new input types that you can use in your forms..." http://diveintohtml5.org/forms.html Recap: My Refresh Bellingham Presentation - The Ghosts of Web Standards Present By Kyle Weems. "The Ghosts of Web Standards Present: CSS3, HTML5 and Mobile" http://tinyurl.com/yclf3rr (re-)Introducing